Thursday, March 8, 2012

Up for another one?

Yep. Registered for marathon #4. I am so excited. I must really need a challenge. I never would have believed that I might really become a marathoner.
The first one was just to finish.(I did.)
The second one was to prove the first hadn't been a fluke.(It wasn't.)
The third was to do it better. (I did.)
And now there will be another one. Why? Don't know except that the prospect makes me happy.

Sunday, March 4, 2012


Whew-- time flies! I've missed the entire month of February. Admittedly it's a short month, but still.

Since the focus has been on spending (or rather the lack of) I suppose it's time for an update. I've slipped a bit. It's like I opened the door one tiny crack and my wants shoved their way in. Two dresses and a pair of boots later and the guilt has struck.

I'm ready to begin again. I don't know what else to do other than reboot and restart.

Tomorrow is my restart for running and maybe I'll just christen it "New Start Day." Seems I do better when it's official.

Anyway, I need to get back to work now so that maybe I can have some time this week to think and function like a normal person.