Thursday, July 19, 2012

A Matter of Trust.

I'm still running. Some days my miles are easier than others. Some days I just want to quit. I had a day like that two weeks ago. I just felt like I couldn't move. I was struggling to breathe, struggling to move faster, and walking more than running. I was on the trail and I just stopped. Hot, sweaty, and upset, I felt like crying. I often talk to myself when I run. This day I posed a question to the universe. I asked, "What do I need to do?" Implied in the question was "What do I need to do to feel better, to get faster, to feel joyful?" I swear the universe answered. Somehow I heard, "You just need to run." Huh. So I did. I sucked it up, reset my watch and began again. I ran the rest of my route without stopping. Since that day, I've ditched the watch and stopped focusing on my pace. I've been trying to just run. I figure the universe must know what she's talking about.


  1. Have you read Born to Run? Reading that book was when it first occurred to me that running was supposed to be fun. It seems obvious now, but for a long time I thought of it as necessary torture. It also helps me to run with friends. Much less torturous, and I am hardly ever worried about pace with them because I have too much fun talking.

    Getting rid of the watch was a great idea too!

  2. Sorry for the delaved response. I just saw the comment. I did read it and loved it. When training for my first marathon a friend gave it to me as encouragement. It worked. Although what actually got me running was reading Matt Long's story in an old Runner's World magazine. I figured that if running meant so much to him with everything else that he'd dealt with, there must be something to it.
