Thursday, December 30, 2010

Simplification for better living.

I've decided to embark on a "happiness project"; actually, it's more of a "Simplification for Happiness" project. I'm not sure exactly what form it will eventually take, but clearly I work better with some sort of a plan in place. (I've learned that much from my marathon training.)

First I want to get rid of stuff. I really just want to clear out and give myself some space.

Then I really need to get a handle on my finances. (I probably should start with that. It would relieve a lot of stress.)

Connected to this is to just quit spending. If I don't need it and I don't love it, I shouldn't buy it. Period. (I was thinking about instituting a "consumables only" rule but it seems rather harsh. I think I'll start with no new clothes. That seems reasonable to try again.)

Then the focus needs to shift to what matters. What do I want in my space? How can I start working towards what I want to do?

So this is where I am on this new year. It's not exactly a resolution and yet, I guess it is. It's a resolution to live better.

Oh-- add time management into this as well. Procrastination and "drifting" are problematic.

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