Friday, December 30, 2011

Writing it down is not enough.

So I wrote my last post way back in July. I vowed to make a change and to follow through on what had been my 2011 New Year's resolution. Let's get to the point. I didn't. Nothing changed. There was a brief burst of cleaning and purging but then I got distracted by other things and my good intentions for permanent change went to the wayside.

This is not to say that my list of seven things has been a complete bust. On the contrary. I find myself frequently considering how I can achieve what is on the list. I know I need action, but thinking has value too. What I'm most happy about as I sit and reflect at the end of another year is how I've been trying to insprire other people to live happy. That's at the root of everything for me. It's my ultimate "what matters." To that end, I've been an anonymous cheerleader leaving gifts in coworkers mailboxes. I have so much fun imagining their surprise upon finding a gift or a note.

Today I spent time organizing a few things to post on ebay. When I'm finished, I'm going to clean the office. I'm not going to bed until I've sorted through the chaos. My goal is to clear out half. Then I need to decide what to sell or donate. It's time. I want space so I can begin working on my next challenge-- developing a secondary source of income. I have a few Etsy ideas that I want to make real.

And finally, I have a notebook to track spending. It's the tried and true pen and paper method for me. I've made a committment on "And then she saved" to go on a spending fast. I want to eliminate my non-mortgage debt by this time next year. There's not a lot, but my budget is pretty tight as it is. Can I do it? I believe I can and put money in the bank. I want to travel and to do that, I need to have security.

That's all for now. Enough talking. It's time for action.

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