Saturday, January 2, 2010

Looking back; moving forward.

I realize that making resolutions is often an exercise in futility. Usually within a week I've forgotten my original plan or it's so general (ie. be a better person) that it is essentially meaningless.

This year I'm going to try something different. I have a 3-parter. The first deals with the ongoing desire to simplify and my need to become more financially responsible.

I'm not entirely sure how it happened (or when) but I have become a shopper. Used to be that I'd buy new clothes when the old ones were worn out/ didn't fit or for a special occasion. Somehow that morphed into, "Oh, that's cute. It fits me well. I like it. I work hard. It should be mine" thinking. As a result (by my standards, not in comparison to many other people), I have a lot of clothes. I spend too much time worrying/ thinking/ considering buying clothes. So that's new year's resolution #1-- a moratorium on shopping for clothes--including shoes-- for 2010. I tried to do this earlier this year and was doing well until running provided all sorts of excuses for needing clothes. Once the initial permission was granted, I just kind of kept going.

There will, of course, have to be a few exceptions. "Foundation garments" (hah-- that's such a funny term) may need to be replaced. One other addendum is if I knit it, I can wear it. I have a sweater on the needles and another that I'm planning to make. I think it's reasonable that if it constitutes a creative endeavor, it should be allowed. (Not to mention the fact that I'm such a slow knitter it will likely take all year to produce one wearable item!)

The only other exception would be a "special event" purchase-- new running shoes would fall under that category but not any more shorts/ shirts/ etc. I suppose they could be considered a "foundation" garment in some circles since they are essential.

I'll have to keep updates on how this one is progressing. It doesn't seem like it should be an unreasonable goal, but I'm embarrassed to say it will be difficult.

The next goal is to have more communication with friends. So, I'm aiming for a once weekly "live" connection to a non-work-related friend. Doesn't seem like much, but I've been really reclusive lately.

Finally, I want to spend this year reconnecting with my thinking self. I want less "fluff" and more substance in my reading so it's off the computer and into the books.

This is enough for now. If I can do these three things, I will be on my way to fulfilling that nebulous catch-all resolution of becoming a better person.

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