Thursday, November 12, 2009

To do or not to do.

I am sitting here drinking my hot cocoa and thinking about what matters. All day I've been considering priorities and choices. Why do we choose what we choose? How do we decide what matters most?

I think this is on my mind because of my struggle with routine. Entering the marathon and then training for it forced me to organize my time and plan so that I could "fit" running into my world. What will happen once the race is over? Will I still have that dedication? I feel good when I run; I feel better when I'm finished. I know this now. I like feeling like I've accomplished something positive for even a small part of my day. I like that running makes me feel like I have control over my time, my body, and my brain.

But why is it so difficult to continue doing that which is good for me? What else could I accomplish if I applied the strategy from this training to other aspects of my life? Why is it so difficult to jettison habits like procrastination and stubbornness that are counterproductive and wasteful?

As always there are more questions then answers.

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