Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Come run with me.

I have decided not to accept the evidence of the pedometers. Create my own reality? You bet. I don't care what they say, they're wrong. In any case, I ran in a different park tonight, one that has a marked course. I did my five miles and actually had a really good run even though it's been a long day. One thing I liked about today's course was the variety-- there are hills. Small hills, but hills nonetheless.

As I was running, I started thinking about how nice it would be to have a running buddy. (I know-- I'm supposed to calm the monkey-mind and focus on form and balance and peeling my feet etc. I don't.) I know some runners, but they aren't local (and they're much faster than me). As I ran, I mentally discussed the benefits a running buddy would offer-- advice, competition, company. I decided to "invite" the runners I know to join me-- kind of like imaginary friends I had as a kid but not completely because these are people who really do exist. Suddenly, I was flanked by my (imaginary) running siblings. Both were telling me to keep breathing (actually, B. was talking to me while S. just jogged along silently). Then I considered the other runners I know who would have enjoyed being on the trail tonight and invited them-- J. was there from Florida, A. from work, even D. from work showed up for a little while.

Eventually there was a group of us trotting along. It was the strangest feeling because I could "see" everyone. I felt like I was being supported and encouraged and strengthened. Everyone didn't stick around for the entire run, but came and went as I needed them. S. was there the whole time and raced me at the end.

As I reread this post, I think maybe the endorphins are getting to me.

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