Saturday, September 19, 2009

You can't run with a banana in your pants.

Maybe that should read, "You shouldn't run with a banana in your pants." Or more specifically, "I shouldn't run with a banana in my pants."

You guessed it. I planned my mid-run snack in the form of a nice, healthy, banana. I figured that since I seem to run better with a banana in my belly that it made sense. Not so.

There is no good way to carry a banana on a run. If you clutch it (even gently) in the non-water bottle hand, it feels (and looks) like a weapon. Forget about tucking it into the sports bra strap. Doesn't work. At all. I tried. As for the short's waistband, let's just say the bouncing, not to mention the unsightly, unexplainable "bulge" (either off the the side or in the back) leads to some funny looks from others on the trail. So there's really only one viable solution: eat it early.

After struggling for about two miles to carry it, hook it to the water bottle or tuck it in, I gave up and just ate it. It was delicious. The downside was that at the midway point when I was ready for my snack, I had none. I need a better plan.

Snack malfunctions aside, today was about the most perfect day for a run. Temperature in the mid-50s, blue skies, no humidity. It was absolutely beautiful. I'm still walking more than I want to on the long runs. I really need to figure out the food thing so I have consistent energy. I did somewhere around 12 miles. I think it was a little more than that. I didn't have a good way to measure the route exactly, so I just kept going.

Tomorrow's an "off" day and then it's back to an easy 4 for Monday.

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