Friday, August 28, 2009

Running in the rain.

I'm feeling downright virtuous. Even though it was raining, I was up at 6 (ish) and out the door for a run before 7. And guess what? I really enjoyed myself this morning. I had fun. I'm sitting here with my hair dripping on the keyboard as I type, but running in the rain makes me feel all clear-headed and refreshed. I did a strong four miles and feel good about myself. My plan is to run seven tomorrow morning and then take Sunday off. Of course, this plan could be reversed depending on how my ankles feel. (Yep-- still having some problems there. I'm halfway convinced it's the shoes since I never had a problem before.)

So yesterday and today as I ran, I thought about the idea of simplification. (I know, I know-- I'm supposed to think about running but I get bored. It's monkey-mind at its finest.) I keep feeling like my world is too cluttered which contributes to stress. I have too much stuff. So how do I simplify? What stays? What goes? Some things have no purpose other than beauty or whimsy-- but does that mean they're not valuable? I don't think so.

This whole simplification idea really started when I realized how much I love to travel but spend money on other things that I don't need any more of-- like clothes. So on the road to simplification, my first order of business is a thorough evaluation of my closet and then a moratorium on shopping for any clothes until after January. (I haven't decided if this moratorium applies to shoes yet as I'm hoping to replace my well worn, beat up boots this year. How strict should I be with myself?) After the closet, I"ll move on to the things that are just clogging up space in the office. If I don't love, need it, or appreciate it, it's out (or maybe on eBay).

UPDATE: Last purchase pre-moratorium was a leopard print cardigan. It's important to have a good, neutral sweater. :)

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